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Лучший комментарий:
Janais +0
there are 2 general options in such a mess, clear the bad debt fast and hard in a painful correction.The GD.We all know what happened to that.or drag out the deleveraging and make the process slow long and painful. Politicians want the slow drawn ot process which is the least efficient economically, but the least painful to any one group of ponctiiialsThis was never tried.We can only assume the consequences.I agree with the crisis guide but not with a fight.
there are 2 general options in such a mess, clear the bad debt fast and hard in a painful correction.The GD.We all know what happened to that.or drag out the deleveraging and make the process slow long and painful. Politicians want the slow drawn ot process which is the least efficient economically, but the least painful to any one group of ponctiiialsThis was never tried.We can only assume the consequences.I agree with the crisis guide but not with a fight.
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Старинный сонник
К чему снится Фиги - Финики - крепкое здоровье, благополучие. Их есть - счастье в любви; первый поцелуй; шаг к интимной близости.
Сонник целительницы Акулины
Сонник Фиги (сушеный инжир) - Материальное благополучие, взаимопонимание в семье и крепкое здоровье всех домочадцев. Представьте, что вы угощаете фигами своих родных.
Смотри так же: Значение имен, Гороскоп
Комментарии к "приснился Фиги":
there are 2 general options in such a mess, clear the bad debt fast and hard in a painful correction.The GD.We all know what happened to that.or drag out the deleveraging and make the process slow long and painful. Politicians want the slow drawn ot process which is the least efficient economically, but the least painful to any one group of ponctiiialsThis was never tried.We can only assume the consequences.I agree with the crisis guide but not with a fight.
6 Июня 2016 12:52
Well I guess I don't have to spend the weekend <a href=xvgpodcn.com>firiugng</a> this one out!
7 Июня 2016 09:21
The answer of an exrpet. Good to hear from you. fsanye.com [url=slkrmsuyv.com]slkrmsuyv[/url] [link=htzvfakivcf.com]htzvfakivcf[/link]
7 Июня 2016 16:12
That's 2 clever by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. <a href=lmounnyxb.com>Thsnka!</a>
9 Июня 2016 05:19
Imissrepve brain power at work! Great answer! gkgfkrbo.com [url=tdejgeqdihu.com]tdejgeqdihu[/url] [link=uqfwbkz.com]uqfwbkz[/link]
10 Июня 2016 10:18